Rock Gardeners Club Prague presents Index Seminum 2023–2024, a list of seeds offered for exchange by the members of our club. This year, as before, a great number of contributors have participated in our seed exchange. Their contributions, which add new or less known plants to our list, are highly appreciated.
Many thanks are due to members who have sent seeds from their original localities. This way, more rock-gardeners have a chance to grow new species.
The names of all the seeds sent to us have been verified according to the available reference works. Obvious mistakes have been corrected; unverified names are marked with +. We again ask contributors to check the names of the plants whose seeds they send for exchange so that possible errors can be avoided during the next round of exchanges. This year, unfortunately, mistakes recurred that were made in earlier lists, not only in connection with orthography but also in the field of factual accuracy.
We would like to thank all those who have sent lists in alphabetical order and in a legible form. This slight extra effort on your part makes it easier for us to compile the list on the computer, and also to produce a more complete list which includes contributions sent in late – right up to the time when the Index is sent to the printer’s. This year, the list includes all the species sent to us by November 20, although the deadline for submissions was actually the end of October. We would be glad if you would send us your lists by electronic means, preferably in tabular form (Excel). This would make the preparation of the Index easier for its editors.
The names of contributors, or their numbers in order of the delivery of their contributions, are given, as always, after the Latin name for the plant.
Online form SEED ORDER 2023–2024
Index_SEMINUM-2023-2024 for download in PDF
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